Reasons to use IV therapy

  • Hangover relief
  • dehydration
  • immune system support
  • cold and flu relief
  • pregnancy symptoms relief
  • migraine headache relief
  • athletic performance recovery
IV Therapy NH
IV Therapy Lozier Medicine Intervale NH

What is the aftercare like

Apply pressure to the site for two minutes after removing the iv, then cover with a band-aid for one hour. Elevate your arm use a warm pack to help avoid bruising. Colfax can be used for pain relief to decrease swelling. Drink 16 to 32 ounces of water after your infusion.
Apply pressure to the site for two minutes after removing the iv, then cover with a band-aid for one hour. Elevate your arm use a warm pack to help avoid bruising. Colfax can be used for pain relief to decrease swelling. Drink 16 to 32 ounces of water after your infusion.
IV Therapy NH
IV Therapy Lozier Medicine Intervale NH


Your provider will talk you through the procedure., you will be seated somewhere comfortable for the duration of the therapy. The injection site will be disinfected with a needle placed directly in a vein: typically in the arm. The fluid drips through the catheter and enters your body. Once inside your body, the fluid from the ivy bag is absorbed directly into your bloodstream. During IV therapy you'll need to keep still so you do not stir or dislodge the catheter. Aside from that, you can read, watch TV, or be on your phone during the process.

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